Your Estate Plan Might Be Outdated: Why Regular Updates Are Important

Many people mistakenly believe that they can forget about their estate plan once in place. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Regular updates are essential to keep your estate plan relevant and effective. Let's explore why it's important to maintain your estate plan and provide you with key hints and tips on when to review and refresh it.

Adapting to Life Changes

Major Life Events

Life is dynamic and full of changes and surprises, and your estate plan needs to keep up with these changes. Consider significant life events: if you get married or divorced, your estate plan must reflect your new marital status. Ignoring this could lead to unintended beneficiaries or even legal challenges. Similarly, the birth or adoption of a child should trigger an immediate update to your estate plan. You’ll want to ensure your new family member is adequately provided for and named as a beneficiary or included in guardianship arrangements.

Death of a Beneficiary

Another critical moment to review your estate plan is after the death of a beneficiary. If someone you named in your estate plan passes away, you must adjust your plan accordingly. Leaving it as is can create confusion and potential legal hurdles for your remaining loved ones.

Reflecting Financial Changes

Acquiring or Selling Property

Significant financial changes also warrant a review of your estate plan. Acquiring or selling property can affect how your assets are distributed and may require adjustments to ensure everything aligns with your current financial situation.

Starting or Closing a Business

Similarly, starting or closing a business should prompt an update to your estate plan. These changes can impact your financial situation and require you to re-evaluate how your business assets are managed and distributed.

Changes in Income or Wealth

Changes in income or wealth are significant enough to warrant a review of your estate plan. These changes can affect your overall financial situation, and your estate plan should reflect these new realities to ensure your assets are distributed according to your current wishes.

Staying Compliant with Legal Changes

Changes in Estate Tax Laws

Legal and tax changes are another area to be aware of. Estate tax laws can change, and you want to ensure your estate plan complies with the latest regulations. Staying on top of these changes ensures your plan remains valid and effective.

State Law Changes

Changes in state laws can also impact your estate plan, especially if you move to a different state. Each state has its own regulations regarding estates, and ensuring your plan complies with these laws is crucial.

How Often to Review Your Estate Plan

Regular Intervals

A good rule of thumb is to review your estate plan every 3-5 years. Even if no significant changes have occurred, a regular check-up can ensure everything is still in order.

After Major Life Events

Any major life event or significant financial change should prompt an immediate review and update of your estate plan. Keeping your plan up-to-date with your current circumstances ensures it remains effective and relevant.

Periodic Professional Consultation

Regular professional consultation, either annually or biennially, with your estate planning attorney or financial advisor ensures your plan remains up-to-date with any legal or financial changes.

Steps to Update Your Estate Plan

Review Current Documents

When updating your estate plan, start by reviewing your current documents. Ensure that your wills and trusts reflect your current wishes and circumstances. Update beneficiary designations on retirement accounts, insurance policies, and other financial accounts. Verify that the agents you have appointed in power of attorney and healthcare directives are still suitable for these roles.

Consult Professionals

Consulting professionals is crucial in this process. An estate planning attorney can help ensure your plan complies with current laws, and a financial advisor can help align your estate plan with your current financial goals.

Communicate with Family

Open communication with your family about your estate plan updates is also essential. This helps avoid surprises and ensures everyone understands your wishes, reducing the likelihood of disputes.


Creating an estate plan is significant in safeguarding your future and your family’s well-being. However, keeping it updated is equally important. Regular reviews and updates ensure your estate plan remains relevant and compliant and reflects your current wishes and circumstances. Stay proactive, consult with professionals, and keep your estate plan in top shape to provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Contact us today to review your current estate plan and be sure you are up to date, protected and your family is secure.


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